Collections FAQ

Yes, a current business relationship is not required to retain us as your collection agent. However, preferred collection rates are available to current One Source clients who have issued credit insurance policies through our office.

First, there is no cost to place a collection. Fees are charged on a strictly contingent basis. No recovery – No charge.
Client Fee Structure. If the creditor company is a current One Source credit insurance policy holder, the following rates will apply for accounts that have aged less than one year:
Standard Fee Structure. If last unpaid invoice is less than 180 days old, the following rates will apply:
If last invoice is over 365 days, the fee schedule is 50%.
If total owed is less than $1,000, the fee schedule is 40%.
Client Fee Structure. If the creditor company is a current One Source credit insurance policy holder, the following rates will apply for accounts that have aged less than one year:
25% fee on placements less than $1,000
15% fee on placements $1,000 and over
Standard Fee Structure. If last unpaid invoice is less than 180 days old, the following rates will apply:
33% fee on placements between $1,000 to $3,000
22% fee on placements between $3,001 to $20,000
18% fee on placements $20,001 and over
If last invoice is over 365 days, the fee schedule is 50%.
If total owed is less than $1,000, the fee schedule is 40%.

We have been offering innovative collection services for over a quarter century.
We afford competent and aggressive attention to the most challenging doubtful accounts with an impressive record of success.
We afford competent and aggressive attention to the most challenging doubtful accounts with an impressive record of success.

Complete a claim form and return it to our office via fax or email. Claims can also be placed online

In order to place a claim, you need either a statement of account or invoices.
If available, the following will also assist with our collection efforts:
If available, the following will also assist with our collection efforts:
Returned Checks included in the amount placed
Credit Application/Personal Guarantee
Proof of Delivery
Relevant Correspondence

Successful collections are often completed within several days. Client remittances will be tendered in as quickly as three business days depending on the debtor's form of payment. We confirm in writing when we recover your money and when our remittance payment will be made to you.

Yes, we have agents in the field every week and try as often as possible to make unannounced face-to-face collection visits.

A claim should be placed when meaningful changes in the debtor's normal course of business are observed. They might include:
Returned check activity
Employee turnover or consultants being retained
Debtor avoiding contact
Recorded message repeatedly answering calls
Lack of concern expressed about the past due account
Hearing statements about needing a loan or having money problems
Intelligence from the trade supporting financial problems exist