Why a Broker

There is no additional cost to you to use a broker. This is a regulated industry with all internal and external distribution costs being borne by the various carriers.

With the constant changes and enhancements that occur in the credit and finance worlds, you need representation to access all markets. Dealing with captive agents will give you a high level of expertise into their specific product, but not the ability to compare and combine all products. Dealing with non-specialist brokers will not give you access to the latest tools available or the continued service you need to maximize the benefits of a policy. Using a true specialist like OneSource will guarantee you the most comprehensive, cost effective structure available.

Some of the benefits you will enjoy by working with OneSource are:

  • Ability to compare ALL relevant markets
  • Access to years of experience in the trade/finance arena
  • Highly specialized professionals in all products
  • Ability to combine the best solutions instead of being limited to one
  • Access to creative and "outside the box" solutions
  • An advocate to protect your rights

OneSource Risk Management specializes in one thing and one thing only, Credit Risk Protection. We work on your behalf, not the insurance carriers'.